بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ
اللہ کے نام سے شروع جو نہایت مہربان رحم والا
الصلواة والسلام عليک
يارسول الله
الصلواة والسلام عليک
ياحبيب الله
الصلواة والسلام عليک
يانبي الله
الصلواة والسلام عليک
يا نور الله
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible?
You compare and decide who the true Jesus (Peace be upon him) is!
#1 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND RACISM Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) made no racist slurs against non-Jews! Jesus (Peace be upon him) is only mentioned as a messenger to the children of Israel (Qur'an 61:6).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a racist against non-Jews, insulting them by describing them as sub-human swine and dogs (Mark 7:25-30, Matthew 7:6, 15:26, 18:17). Jesus (Peace be upon him) said salvation is of the Jews only (John 4:22).
#2 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND THE USE OF WEAPONS Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: No mention of Jesus (Peace be upon him) using weapons! Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a righteous prophet! (Qur'an 6:85).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) attacks people with a whip (John 2:15) and encourages his disciples to use swords (Luke 22:36, Matthew 10:34). Jesus (Peace be upon him) encourages self mutilation (Matthew 5:30, 18:8, Mark 9:43), and he even encourages castration of the penis (Matthew 19:12). Jesus (Peace be upon him)' follower Paul wanted to castrate his opponents (Galatians 5:12). Jesus (Peace be upon him) endorses the idea of killing people by slaying them (Luke 19:27).
#3 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND SIN Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a prophet protected from satan (Qur'an 3:36) but he was human like anyone else (Qur'an 5:75).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) asks God to forgive him his sins (Luke 11:4). Baptism washes away sins (Acts 22:16) and Jesus (Peace be upon him) was baptized (Luke 3:21), therefore Jesus (Peace be upon him) must have sinned!
#4 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND TEMPTATION Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a prophet protected from satan (Qur'an 3:36).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is swayed by his desires and tempted by satan for 40 days (Matthew 4:1-11). Jesus (Peace be upon him) felt tempted by every kind of filthy and disgusting sin imaginable (Hebrews 4:15).
#5 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND PROPHECY Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a true genuine prophet (Qur'an 6:85-90, Qur'an 19:30).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) made a false prophecy to his generation when he told them that his second coming will occur in their own lifetime (Matthew 24:34). This generation of course died about 2,000 years ago and the prediction was never actualized. Therefore according to the Bible Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a false prophet
(Deuteronomy 18:20-22).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) treats animals with respect! Jesus (Peace be upon him) creates a bird out of clay and breaths life into it by God's permission (Qur'an 5:110).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) curses and subsequently kills an innocent tree (Mark 11:21). Jesus (Peace be upon him) tortured to
death two thousand pigs by drowning them alive (Mark 5:13).
#7 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND FAMILY VALUES AND UNITY Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is very kind to his mother Mary (Qur'an 19:32). Jesus (Peace be upon him) shared meals with his mother Mary, a gesture of family unity (Qur'an 5:75).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) said you must hate your family (Luke 14:26). Jesus (Peace be upon him) insults his mother Mary in front of others (John 2:3-4). Jesus (Peace be upon him) respects his followers but disrespects his own mother Mary (Luke 8:19-21). Jesus (Peace be upon him) would not let his followers bury their own dead father and say goodbye to their families (Luke 9:59-62). Jesus (Peace be upon him) said your family is your enemy (Matthew 10:35-36).
#8 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND WORLD PEACE AND UNITY Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a peaceful prophet (Qur'an 19:33). Jesus (Peace be upon him) came to make no divisions in faith (Qur'an 42:13).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) did not come to bring peace on earth but "the sword" (Matthew 10:34). Jesus (Peace be upon him) did
not come to bring unity on earth but "division" (Luke 12:51).
#9 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND HIS DISCIPLES AND DISCIPLESHIP Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) cared for his disciples' needs (Qur'an 5:112-114). Jesus (Peace be upon him)' disciples were prescribed no difficulty but only to seek the good pleasure of God (Qur'an 57:27).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) does not care for his disciples but sleeps while they are about to die (Mark 4:38-40). Jesus (Peace be upon him) said you cannot be his disciple unless you renounce all your possessions and leave everything behind (Luke 14:33, 18:22, 5:28, 12:33, Mark 1:16-20, Matthew 4:18-22). Jesus (Peace be upon him) said you cannot be his disciple unless you hate yourself (Luke 14:26).
#10 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND LYING Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) never spoke anything but the truth God commanded him to say (Qur'an 5:116-119).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) lied to his brothers (John 7:8-10).
#11 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD Jesus (Peace be upon
him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is obedient to God (Qur'an 4:172).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) temporarily rejected God's will (Mark 14:36, 15:34).
#12 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND DISOBEDIENCE TO PARENTS Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is very obedient to his mother Mary (Qur'an 19:30-32, Qur'an 19:19).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) disobeys and leaves his parents (Luke 2:43-49).
#13 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND INTOXICANTS Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: No mention of Jesus (Peace be upon him) drinking or making intoxicants, instead he is held in honor in this world (Qur'an 3:45). There is some benefit in wine but the sin is greater than the benefit (Qur'an 2:219).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) drank the intoxicant wine (John 19:30). Jesus (Peace be upon him) changed water into wine (John 2:7-9). Jesus (Peace be upon him) said wine is good (Luke 5:38-39). Jesus (Peace be upon him) is called a "drunk" (Luke 7:34). John the Baptist was so holy that he did not drink wine (Luke 1:15, 7:33). Jesus (Peace be upon him) said no one is greater than John the Baptist (Luke 7:28). If you want to be holy you cannot drink intoxicants (Numbers 6:1-4). The Biblical Jesus (Peace be upon him) is not holy!
#14 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND REVEALING THE TRUTH Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is an open clear sign to all peoples (Qur'an 21:91, Qur'an 43:63, Qur'an 61:6).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) intentionally concealed the truth from people by using parables (Mark 4:11-12). Jesus (Peace be upon him) was being devious and hiding the truth that he was the messiah (Luke 9:20-21, Mark 1:34).
#15 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND DIVORCE Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) followed the laws of divorce of his time (Qur'an 5:46).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) says that unless a spouse commits adultery, if the other spouse divorces and remarries, both the divorcer and the new spouse become adulterers (Luke 16:18, Matthew 5:31-32, 19:9).
#16 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND THE EARLIER PROPHETS Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) respects and follows the same faith as the earlier prophets (Qur'an 42:13).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) said the prophets who came before him were thieves and robbers (John 10:8).
#17 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) was respectful to the religious leaders of his time (Qur'an 5:44-46).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) publicly disgraces the religious leaders (Matthew 23). Jesus (Peace be upon him) is invited to the home of a Pharisee for dinner but Jesus (Peace be upon him) repays him at the dinner table by insulting him and his guests (Luke 11:37-45). The Biblical Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a terribly rude dinner guest!
#18 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND MORAL GOODNESS Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is righteous (Qur'an 6:85).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is not good (Mark 10:17-18, Matthew 19:16-17, Luke 18:18-19).
#19 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND IGNORANCE Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a wise prophet (Qur'an 43:63).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Healing power left Jesus (Peace be upon him)' body yet he did not know where it went (Luke 8:45-46).
#20 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND WEAKNESS Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) was able to perform many miracles by God's permission (Qur'an 5:110-115).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: In the first attempt Jesus (Peace be upon him) could not fully heal the blind (Mark 8:25). Jesus (Peace be upon him) was not able to perform any mighty miracle in a town with people of little faith (Mark 6:5).
#21 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND COURAGE Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a man of strong courage and faith (Qur'an 5:110).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) hid away from the Jews seemingly scared of them (John 7:1-10, John 11:54, Matthew 12:14-15). From fear of the Jews Jesus (Peace be upon him) disguised himself as a gardener (John 20:15).
#22 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND INJUSTICE Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Jesus (Peace be upon him) was a just prophet and he was not killed (Qur'an 4:157).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: If Jesus (Peace be upon him) sacrificed himself to death for guilty sinners then he is also a sinner for allowing this unjust act to happen to him! (Luke 23:39-41, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Mark 14:24, 1 Peter 2:21-22).
#23 JESUS (Peace be upon him) AND VIOLENCE Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: There is no mention of Jesus (Peace be upon him) teaching violence, instead Jesus (Peace be upon him) told his followers they will be rewarded (Qur'an 3:52-57, Qur'an 57:27).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: Jesus (Peace be upon him) told his followers they would have to enter heaven with violence (Luke 16:16). Jesus (Peace be upon him) said those who reject him will be dashed to pieces and crushed (Matthew 21:44, Luke 20:18).
#24 JESUS (Peace be upon him) MURDERED OR SAVED? Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an: Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him) was not killed but God loved him and saved him from his enemies (Qur'an 4:157-158, Qur'an 5:110).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Bible: God abandoned Jesus (Peace be upon him) and allowed him to be falsely accused, brutally tortured, stripped half naked and murdered on a cross (Mark 15). Paul said Jesus (Peace be upon him) was cursed on the cross (Galatians 3:13).
Dear Christian, Brother's and Sister's this letter is not intended to insult you but to only encourage you to search for the true Jesus (Peace be upon him). Is he the Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Holy Qur'an or the Bible? I Ask
God Almighty to reveal the answer of this question to you. Honestly pray and search for the truth and God will lead you inshaa'Allah. It is clear from the above that the true messiah is the Jesus (Peace be upon him) of the Qur'an! The Muslims are therefore the true followers of Jesus (Peace be upon him)! It's now up to you to embrace Islam. God bless you.
May ALLAH Guide us, and protect from the Devil Shatan the Rejected one.
الصلواة والسلام عليک
يارسول الله
الصلواة والسلام عليک
ياحبيب الله
الصلواة والسلام عليک
يانبي الله
الصلواة والسلام عليک
يا نور الله
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